LS Tecnologia operates in several segments in the area of Information Technology and also engineering services.
From Structured Cabling to Electronic Security, LS Tecnologia has qualified and qualified professionals to develop intelligent solutions that will generate value for your business, and the best, always taking into account the Cost-Benefit of each solution. So that the customer decides which technology to use.
Come meet us! We will be happy to present our solutions.

Protect your assets with our solutions for Electronic Security and Access Control.
Come do your Security Project with us.
Cameras, Presence Sensors, Perimeter Barrier, Sensory Alarm, Fire Alarm, Gate Motors, Connectivity and much more.

Did you know that quality Structured Cabling can last up to 25 years?
LS Tecnologia has extensive experience in IT infrastructure projects for Structured Cabling.
Rack Assembly, Infrastructure, Patch Panel Connector, Patch Cords, Cabling and everything you need with quality and warranty.

Protect your assets with our solutions for Electronic Security and Access Control.
Come do your Security Project with us.
Cameras, Presence Sensors, Perimeter Barrier, Sensor Alarm, Fire Alarm, Gate Motors , Connectivity and much more.


Services for the implementation and maintenance of voice and data transmission projects and systems.
Our company has extensive experience in telecommunication structure assembly.
With services performed including in the Navy Radio Stations and in the Communications Battalions of the Brazilian Army, our team can help you generate value with solutions for each demand of your business.

Protect your assets with our solutions for Electronic Security and Access Control.
Come do your Security Project with us.
Access Control, Cameras, Presence Sensors, Perimeter Barrier, Sensor Alarm, Fire Alarm, Gate Motors , Connectivity and much more.

With extensive experience in the field of public tenders, LS Tecnologia provides high quality products and services for the Public Administration.
Our contracts are signed based on strict Ethical and Moral Principles.
Acting in this segment since 2015, demonstrating transparency and credibility to our partners, we make them enjoy total security and efficiency.
Save time and avoid headaches with suppliers without commitment to the Public Administration, contact us now and receive our Minutes.